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Ensuring the dignity of individuals in care involves actively involving them in decisions affecting their care. This includes both everyday choices and broader care or support decisions, all based on informed consent.
Providing information is key to enabling informed choices. Understanding options, risks, and implications allows individuals to make decisions that best suit their needs.
Assistance in decision making can include explaining information, sharing experiences, involving trusted individuals, or seeking help from specialists and advocates.
Some individuals may lack the mental capacity for certain decisions, such as those related to finances or medical issues, while still capable of making day-to-day choices.
In cases of uncertainty about an individual's capacity, seeking additional advice or guidance is essential.
Risk assessments are a legal requirement and provide guidance on ensuring safety while considering the individual's preferences and rights to take risks.
Risk enablement involves supporting individuals to assess and take informed risks, enhancing their life experiences and enjoyment.
The person-centred approach focuses on involving individuals in their care planning as much as possible, respecting their background, values, and preferences.
When individuals are unhappy with decisions made on their behalf, it's important to inform them of their right to complain and support them in the complaint process.
By prioritising informed choice and person-centred care, healthcare workers can uphold the dignity and autonomy of those they support.